Wednesday, 30 March 2011

Struggling for Life

Saya sudah tidak tahan dengan situasi sulit ini. Sebenarnya, ini bukan yang pertama kali, tetapi dirasa lebih sulit dari yang sudah- sudah. Ya Allah kuatkanlah diriku ini. Bukannya aku tidak bersyukur, hamba-Mu ini hanya ingin berkeluh kesah sekali saja, toh aku hanya mengeluh kepada Mu. Bukan ke siapa- siapa. Sampai- sampai rasa ingin menjatuhkan air mata tak tertahankan. Gak apa- apa ya ya Allah aku nangis? Aku yakin Kau berpihak kepadaku dan aku bisa bertahan. Amin.

NB: Lagi kayak gini, laptop lemot lagi dan bunyi nguing- nguing...bete banget!

Monday, 28 March 2011

Ordinary Story, Outstanding Glory.

When I was child, I didn’t like reading book, much less lesson books, but I like the stories. I like the stories wherever it was written. In a book or in a kids magazine, even my Mom often told me stories when I was about to sleep and my father didn’t forget to tell me, my cousin, and my friend stories, fable stories after studying together. It was just simple stories, a reindeer, lion, or even a cat. But they fully consisted of moral value that we could implement in our daily life, whether you realized it or not. It is still sticking in my head the story about ‘The Lion King’. My Dad portrayed the lion as the strongest and the wisest animal because it was well-known as The King of the Jungle. Until now, I always like Lion, and I’m insanely desired to look after it as a pet. Damn, it is ridiculous, and totally impossible. Haha

I remember it was Thursday when my Mom gave a kid magazine. It was the most popular kid magazine at that time. Exactly, I was so happy that I always read many times, again and again. I never felt that I was bored at those stories provided. One story that was nominated as the most exciting story was about the sacrifice of a mother. It was so touchy. Do you want to know the story? I will tell you here.

--Once upon a time there were two daughters of a magnificent mom. They lived in a quite and peaceful village. Everyday, their mom always asked them to do some housework things, like washing clothes and dishes in the edge of the river.
They always got mad whenever Mom asked them to do that. They didn’t understand why their mom always asked them to do that. They thought that their mom was cruel.

Therefore, they decided to find a ‘new’ mom who could take care of them more. They asked the sun, “Sun, would you like to be our mom?” The sun replied, “I cannot be you mom. I don’t have any power if the cloud covers me, so asked the cloud maybe she can be you mom.” So they asked the cloud who began to cover the sun. “Would like to be our mom, cloud?”. The cloud ignored, “No, I cannot be your mom. I’m not as strong as the sun said. I’m often blown by the wind. Ask the wind, she is very strong and she moves very fast from north to south, from east to west.” “Ooh..” said the daughters helplessly. Suddenly, there was a wind which blew and faded the cloud. “See, how strong and fast the wind is. You’d better ask her!”

They took their chance to ask the wind to be their mom. “Wind, I hope you can be our mom. I have asked sun and cloud but they said that they aren’t as strong as you. So, please, be our mom.” The wind boasted, “Hey little girls, I admit that I’m stronger than the sun and cloud. Unfortunately, there is something that I can’t conquer. She is very strong. The strength cannot be neglected.” Who is it?”, asked the daughter curiously. “Mountain.” Replied the wind briefly. “The body is so strong that I can’t move it.” The wind explained. So the daughters walked quite far to ask the powerful mountain. “Hello, mountain. We have been asked the sun, cloud, and wind to be our mother but none of them wants to be our mom. They said that your strength is real and we don’t have any idea who to ask for anymore.” Said one daughter. “I’m not as strong as they said. They are all wrong.” Said the mountain. The daughter began to give up. “There is someone who is stronger than me. She always step her foot on my body.”, explained the mountain wisely. “Tell us, tell us!” another daughter inquired. “Wait, she always passes my body in the afternoon like this. Can you hear her foot step?” See, she is stronger than me so you’d better asked her!”

The daughters waited and saw who came from that side of mountain’s body. Closer and closer. It seemed that they know that kind of sound. Apparently, the one who is the strongest from all is their own mom. They directly hugged their mom and cried happily. “Where have you been? I’m looking for you. Come on let’s go home. I’ve bought new clothes for you all” said the mom. How happy they were. They’ve just realized that they had someone who always took care of them all the time. Mom. They promised that they would never let their mom down again--

That’s a bit about an ordinary but outstanding story. The story that I always remember.
Love your mom and what God gives to you.

Monday, 21 March 2011


Aku adalah seorang yang sangat biasa di kehidupan ini layaknya anak gadis seumurku. Aku suka mendegarkan musik. Musik- musik pilihanku tentunya walaupun agak berbeda pada umumnya dengan teman- temanku. Aku juga suka membaca. Membaca apa saja, buku, novel, blog, artikel, bahkan status facebook teman- temanku. Aku sering menghabiskan akhir pekanku degan berolahraga. Dimana saja, di stadion, jalan raya, atau bahkan di dalam kamar kostku yang berbentuk trapesium ini. Aku juga suka makan sayuran karena mereka sangat sehat, itu kata ibuku sewaktu aku masih kecil. Setelah aku besar, aku mengerti kalau sayur itu mengandung berbagai macam vitamin, mineral, gizi, dan serat yang sangat dibutuhkan oleh tubuh. Jadi, tidak ada yang salah degan sayur.

Aku juga suka menghabiskan sore hariku dengan melihat langit jingga. Jika tidak, Spongebob Squarepants atau TV Champion menjadi andalanku. Aku suka memakai piama dan kaos oblong. Aku juga suka bentuk rambutku ketika baru bangun tidur. Mengembang seperti singa. Serta wajahku yang masih ‘bantal'. Justru sangat natural. Kopi adalah minuman favoritku. Bentuknya seperti apa juga aku suka. Ketika ingin ber ‘melankolia’, aku membiarkannya pahit, tetapi ketika suasana hati mengatakan ingin ber ‘elora’ aku menambahkan krim atau pemanis lain.

Aku memang sedikit berbeda dengan yang lain. Aku mempunyai masalah dengan dandan. Aku tidak bisa melakukan kegiatan yang satu itu. Tetapi, aku suka memasak. Aku ingin memiliki dapur beserta perabotnya. Aku berjanji akan membuatkan kalian makanan terlezat di dunia. Aku sekarang sedang melakukan kegiatan baruku: mengajar. Sebenarnya ini bukan hal paling baru buatku, karena sebelumnya aku pernah melakukannya juga. Semoga, aku bisa menikmati kegiatan yang satu ini. Mungkin itu dulu dariku.

Move On

Sepi sekali malam ini. Saya merasa bosan untuk melakukan hal- hal yang biasanya mengasyikan menurut saya sendiri. Jadi teringat kutipan dari Trinity, sang penulis ‘The Naked Traveler’ yang berbunyi “When was the last time that you did for the first time?” Jika sudah tidak bisa menjawabnya, maka anda harus melakukan sesuatu. Ya, memang benar hidup itu harus dinamis, bergerak ke arah yang lebih baik. Walaupun pergerakan itu, tidak melulu besar dan bahkan tidak terasa. Saya harus menemukannya. Menemukan atau saya hanya perlu peka karena sebenarnya ‘mereka’ tersebar berserakan di sekeliling kita? Ya memang harus peka baru ketemu. Haha.

Memang tidak bisa dipungkiri, kalo menemukan sesuatu yang baru atau malah sesuatu yang lama tapi tertemukan kembali sehingga seperti baru, itu sangat menyenangkan. Hanya kadang ketidaksabaran seringkali mengganggu proses penemuan itu. Mengganggu atau memicu? Apa karena dengan ketidaksabaran itu kita justru terganggu atau terpicu untuk lebih cepat menemukan hal yang kita cari? Masing- masing berhak memilih.

Saya benci memilih. Bukan tanpa alasan saya begitu, tetapi karena memilih membutuhkan energi yang sangat banyak untuk saya. Sebut saja saya gadis labil. Sulit bagi saya untuk menentukan pilihan. Tapi hidup itu memang pilihan bukan? Kaya atau miskin? Bekerja keras atau bermalas- malasan? Meski memang berkorelasi, sekali lagi, itu bukan postulat atau hukum. Karena sebenarnya ada yang lebih dari itu. Raja alam raya ini yang menentukan. Berterima kasih lah, karena Dia yang memberi.

Sunday, 20 March 2011


Cinta itu sederhana. Maka, aku akan mencintaimu dengan sederhana pula.

Sunday, 13 March 2011

Fly to Honolulu

Fully thanks my Lord, I got this melody, finally.
Ten days.
January 6th 2006.
January 19th 2006.

How many amounts of happiness showered me right now?


Subconsciously said, "How handsome you are, how handsome you are."


Terserah lo mau ngatain gue melow najis atau alay total, yang jelas gue lagi suka (lagi) sama lagu ini...

Take me to your place
Where our heart belongs together
I will follow you
You're the reason that I breath

I'll come running to you
Fill me with your love forever
Promise you one thing
That I would never let you go
'Cause you are my everything

It insanely flew me high away and away. I'm not exaggerating anyway. Reminding me of the nature, grass were moving slowly to right and left, the sun was showing its power of fire and shine, the bird flew to the south back to the nest. Look, the clouds was so various as if they showed certain shapes that we know. Plane, Gun, and Teddy Bear.

Sing me this song anybody, sing me this song entirely.

It was on January 2006.